general in Freaked Fleapit

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Knock-knock! Who's there? It's the enemies from Freaked Fleapit!

Oh look, the whole Freaked Fleapit gang is here!


Don’t worry, sweetie, this won’t hurt~

Turns out, there really is a lot of ways to draw a little Reaper… Here are some of the early Fasaria concept arts from the Fleapit vault!

“Fasaria, The Grim Reaper - at your service!”
We’re thrilled to announce the voice actress for Fasaria — the one and only LilyPichu!

When Fasaria is not reaping souls, she’s playing video games! What game is she playing?

Not a single box shall escape the Newbie’s wrath!


Hell is where the Random Generation is — here’s a quick look at our Dungeon Generator works!

The whole gang is here! What do you think of our hub area?

Meet Fasaria — despite her young appearance you should definitely fear this Grim Reaper! Or she'll make you suffer.